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ADD:107 National way,Guanchang Rd 89,Yangwu industry,Dalingshan Town,Dongguan city,Guandong province,China

Contact: Jack Shen

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Ultrasonic Welding and Cutting in Packaging Industry

Ultrasonic technology (sealing ,welding, cutting and punching different type of containers ,such as tubes, bottles, bags, blister packsetc ) is becoming popular in the field of packaging industry. For this technology, in contrast to many other welding technologies, it does not matter whether or not the contents are heat-sensitive. Ultrasonic welding is time-saving and clean in welding process, asl it no needs pre heating and heat preservation during operation. Another ultrasonic welding unit could be easy assembly in automation line .


  • - Thermoplastic films (pouches and bags) Tubes, trays, and cups

  • - Tubes, trays, and cups

  • - Cardboard packaging with thermoplastic coating

  • - Valves and vents on films / filter materials

  • - Screw caps on coated cardboard packaging / films



- Greatly shorten the processing time, the sealing of plastic between 100 and 200ms can be completed

- The process of ultrasonic welding is  clean, stable and reliable, and low energy consumption

- Ultrasonic energy is only consumed in welding area , it’s efficient and economical

- No preheating and heat preservation during operation

- It’s environmentally friendly as no additives are required

- Can be sealed pass through by dirt (such as liquid, grease, powder, etc.) no effect on the welding effect

- Ultrasonic welding unit are easy to use in an automated production environment and are compatible with the material transferring system

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